Friday, April 30, 2021

April Pictures


The kids and I had to go to FOUR stores and
the boy and I do not enjoy shopping!

C took over the playroom!;)

C helped M get the yard stuff put out!

My azaleas are beautiful!

We have a carpenter bee problem so the boys 
set up a trap for them - and it actually works
quite well!

Nights on the porch with a fire in the fire pit and
the heat lamp on!

Sunrises at the new house don't show out nearly
as much as the old house, but I did catch one
pretty one!

C got bored and made some hot glue
guys to hang out on the door!

Saw a raccoon - in the middle of the day!

M had shoulder surgery and had been on the couch
for the past couple of weeks!

Homemade biscuits completely by herself!

A VERY crowded day at the skate park!

I don't even know!  LOL!

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