Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Girls' Weekend

 S and I have spent the past few days visiting the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky.  It was such a great time and we saw so much and spent a lot of good time together!

Saturday - We drove 6-7 hours to our hotel.  After checking in, we went to the Creation Museum to check out the lights, ate dinner and attempted Glice Skating(which was like skating on wax - we went around once and promptly took our skates off!).

Snow along North Carolina/Tennessee state line

Sunday - We spent the morning checking out some towns in Indiana along the Ohio River.  We had hot chocolate in Madison and then had lunch in Aurora before going to the Creation Museum.  Such an amazing museum!  We spent five hours learning about biblical history.  We enjoyed the dinner here so much Saturday night that we opted to eat again before going back to the hotel and watching Cinderella:)

Monday - We crossed back over the Ohio River to spend a couple hours in Cincinnati walking along the river and the Purple People Bridge.  We then went to the Ark Encounter and made a point to eat first - it is cafeteria style and was oh so much food!!  Fueled, we made our way into the Ark and spent six hours touring around!  Such an incredible experience!  We finally decided it was time to call it a day and headed back, got take out for dinner and watched Beauty and the Beast back at the hotel.

We all know this girl loves to rub the fur off some

Tuesday - Today we got up and packed and back on the road for the long drive home!  It was an incredible time away, but it's always good to get back to home sweet home too!

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