Thursday, December 31, 2020


 That's a wrap on 2020!!  Looking forward to what 2021 brings - please let us get past this Covid crap!!!

Hot chocolate bombs

I went shopping for S's Christmas presents - I 
haven't been to American Eagle since I was
probably in high school!

Got the garage cleaned out enough to get my car pulled in!!

Making pizza:)

Ginger snaps

We closed on our old house just before Christmas!!

You can be sure to find M sleeping on the
couch many evenings!  LOL!

M took Daven and C hunting - Elliott is there
too, but there wasn't enough room in the stand
for all of them, so he was on the ground!

Reindeer food


Saturn and Jupiter aligned - the Christmas

I got a loaner TRUCK while my car got new tires and oil changed

Target was doing some crazy good business!

After the final Nutcracker performance, one of the girls' moms
hosted the girls for a beautiful dinner and gift exchange since
they were unable to do a cast party or secret Santa with the studio
because of Covid!

While S and I were in Kentucky, M and C were in Ohio
hunting with Elliott and Daven!

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