Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Swim Team Starts

Swim team started yesterday, but because I had to work and Hannah was with the kids, I didn't get to see them until today!  Things are a bit different this year because of stupid COVID-19.  Our team has pulled out of SAIL and is doing our own thing.  Practices are only once a day and each age group is split into three groups and rotate through three stations throughout their hour practice - laps, deep end and dry land.  When we have our "meets" they will be done within the age group practices and will be part of our team as "blue" and the other part as "white" and go against each other!  I think some of the competitiveness will be pushed down but hopefully the kids will get more individualized attention to technique that will benefit them next year when we've, hopefully, returned to a normal swim year! 

We are just glad that the kids have something to do this summer that will keep them active and allow them to socialize with friends!

C doing dry land workout - blue shirt with his back
to the camera.

C doing deep end workout - treading water and dives!

S swimming laps in lane 2.
Before it gets too hot, I went for a run during 
S's practice and brought C's bike for him to go
along with me!

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