Saturday, June 27, 2020

Lake - Me Skiing!!

Surprise, surprise!  We spent another weekend day at the lake:)  It was more of an overcast day, and we got there somewhat early, so the water was smooth enough for me to give skiing a go - first time in 16 years!!  I got up on my second attempt and it felt so good to be doing it again! I did, however, not last near as long as I use to and one run was enough for the day for me!  I will be doing it again, hopefully soon!  M also got a chance to get behind the boat for the first time because Tyler was there to drive the boat for him. He did some wakeboarding and even was brave enough to attempt some wake jumping!  It was such a fun day! The kids of course had a ball with the Mays' kids tubing, wakeboarding and playing around the dock!!

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