Sunday, November 26, 2017

Christmas Tree!

The past few years we've been going up to NC and chopping down our Christmas trees.  This year, however, the thought of getting back in the car and driving after returning from Raleigh was more than I could handle - I'm not feeling 100% from a cold that I've been fighting for over 2 weeks - so yesterday we went to a local lot and chose one!  The kids were thrilled because they are cheaper than they are when you chop them down and we were able to get one that was quite a bit larger than usual!  We got it set up last night, but were not able to get to the decorating part until today!  I take the role of handing out the ornaments and telling where each one came from and the kids, and M, hang them on the tree!

After decorating the tree I also got most of the rest of the house decorated!  It looks like Christmas now!

We were cooking dinner tonight and commenting on how festive the house looked, when in slow motion, the tree came crashing down, killing a few of my ornaments!  It was so sad!  Apparently, when we got the bigger tree, we also should have gotten a bigger stand!  So, now all the ornaments are back OFF the tree and the tree is tethered to the door with some rope!  It's real classy!

Super excited about the tree they chose!

Finished tree before it fell!

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