Friday, September 29, 2017

September Randoms

M and I had a date night and dropped the kids off for a
Parents' Night Out at Greenville Gymnastics.  We came back
to the car to find this guy all strapped in and ready to chaperone us!
S finally got a new helmet:) 
So did C!

We took C out of his booster... can you tell he was thrilled!?!?

He had a playdate with Maxwell after school and they had a
good time with new Lego kits!
Hurricane Irma came through our area as a very strong
tropical storm and the kids were out of school for a couple of
days - things started getting crazy!!:)

Entertaining himself during dance classes

On Mondays, we have piano and then a break before soccer!
The kids and I have gotten in the habit of going out to dinner, their
choice, on those nights!

Hurricane Irma blew some of our trees crooked, so M and C set to fixing them
with bamboo!

We had a date night!  Dinner at Stone Soup and some time
at Tryon Equestrian Center!

Darn!  Don't know why this is sideways!  But it was
popcorn day at the bank - score!

She looks kinda scary here;)

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