Saturday, March 7, 2015

Last Basketball Game

Because this morning was also S's first soccer game, I missed C'c last basketball game!  I was so very disappointed, but that's just the way it goes sometimes(luckily, M and Chelle took some pictures for me!)!

I heard the boys played great and had fun!  After the game, M and Coach David presented the boys with trophies, posed for some final team pictures(although a couple of boys were missing!) and then headed to Fuddrucker's for an end of the year lunch together as a team!  


S and I finished at a perfect time and pulled into the parking lot of Fuddrucker's at the same time as the team!  All of the boys sat at their own table, the girls hung out at their own table, and the adults ate at our own table!  It was craziness, and probably not much eating going on between all the friends and the arcade games, but it was fun!

After lunch, one of the moms brought an awesome cookie cake which was completely and quickly devoured!!

It was a great season with a wonderful group of boys!!

Great season Lions!!