Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Lot Going On!

We are finally getting back to our normal schedule after all the gross weather!!  Thank goodness!!

S had to dress as Benjamin Franklin for a school music
program and needed a kite!  M took on the task of making(and SEWING)
it for her!!

Benjamin Franklin

Bobby and C decided not only to sell the house, but they
were determined to "break down the front" as well!  HAHA!

2nd soccer practice on an absolutely beautiful day!

He was cheering "Go Sissy, Go!!"  It was precious!

Swim practice

Tae Kwon Do was boot camp style!  Push ups in the first video and burpees in the second:)  I was tired just watching it all!

On Wednesday nights, S has choir, C has M&M(Music and Missions),
M doesn't come with us and my class does not start for a few more weeks!
I took full advantage of a good book in the church library!  Ahhh!!!

Chelle watched C while I went to S's school performance
and despite the weather being a bit yucky, they were able to get
outside and shoot some hoops!

A rare quiet moment with library books!

While the boys were at basketball practice, we met Chelle and Sara at
Stomping Grounds in Greer for coffee, milkshakes and games:)

Our neighbor had a Frozen party!  Anna and Elsa both
made appearances!

A beautiful Sunday afternoon to read on the screened porch -
it was 72*!!

1 comment:

Amy and Michael said...

So jealous of your library time. Oh for quiet time!!!