Saturday, October 11, 2008

Apples, Apples Everywhere!

This morning we headed up to the apple orchard! M and I have done this every year since we were married and plan to continue the tradition with S! I have never, though, seen it as crowded as it was today! We saw 3 couples that we knew - one from church, one from college and one from work. What are the odds:)

Anyway, we picked apples,

ate lunch,

played on the pumpkins,

and went for a walk to see the goats.

It was a lot of fun and S really seemed to enjoy herself! Now to begin the apple cooking:)


Anonymous said...

How fun!!I sure would like a fried apple pie...yum!!I just love looking at your pictures online.Stella looks as if she really liked playing in the pumpkin patch.

It's a Mom Thing said...

Yea for apple picking! I have a new recipe for Apple Crisp that I'm going to try. I'll let you know if it is good or not.

Kate said...

Sounds like fun! I've got a ton of apples at the house too, any recipe ideas?!