Sunday, November 13, 2022

Soccer Tournament - Winston-Salem, SC

After S's late night at Homecoming, we got up early on Saturday and headed up to Winston-Salem, NC where C had a soccer tournament this weekend!  One game, our coach was across town at another game with the other team that he coaches.  So, per CESA rules, only Jessica and I are allowed on the field with the boys because we are the manager and treasurer and have fulfilled all the training stuff.  We warmed them up and got them on the field and "coached" the first few minutes of the game until the real coach arrived!  I promise I was glad to be able to go sit down on the parent side of the field.  LOL!!  We also have a fun, loooong team dinner at a Mexican restaurant.  Those dinners help to make our team so much stronger and better together!  And the parents have a ball too;)

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