Saturday, December 7, 2019

1st Wrestling Tournament

C had his first wrestling tournament today!  He was so very nervous about going and honestly would rather have not, but I made him do it because I knew he would learn a lot and be able to practice more effectively knowing the full picture of what his ultimate goal was!  

We both arrived with ZERO knowledge of a tournament but quickly learned thanks to some amazing friends on the team!  The parents are absolutely wonderful and encouraging to all of the wrestlers(and new mamas!) on the team and the kids cheer for each other and truly care about one another!  

There were tears of frustration for C and he lost his first two matches because he had no clue what to do!  He learned, though, and came away with his first pin his third match!  He had one more match against a boy on our team who is older and more experienced than C, but they were great with each other - graciously winning and graciously losing!  

After it was all said and done, C was glad that he wrestled in this tournament, learned what if felt like to lose and learned what it felt like to win, came away with a better understanding of the sport, is a better teammate because of the losses and is looking forward to his next tournament in January!

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